About me
Adam King
Product Design & Photographer
I’m a Product Designer by day, and a photographer by night (or, really, in my free time).
Photography has been a passion of mine since I was young. A personal favourite of mine is street photography, but I enjoy venturing out of my comfort zone, too. This website is a place for me to publish and share my photography, as well as the stories that go alongside it.
For inquiries such as project opportunities or purchasing my work, please contact me directly.
All words on this site are my own opinions and thoughts, written with the help of Stephanie Warner.

My gear
Fujifilm all the way
Fujifilm X100V
Fujifilm X-Pro2
Fujifilm 56mm F1.2
Fujifilm 35mm F1.4
Fujifilm 16mm F1.4
Fujifilm XF 18-55mm F2.8-4
Fujifilm XF 55-200mm F3.5-4.8 R LM OIS

Contact, social, and other projects
Reach out to me to talk business, design, photography etc.
For business, let’s connect on LinkedIn.
For more photography, follow me on Instagram.
Beautifully Accessible
A learning social media account I run with a friend, about accessible web design.
Product Design Portfolio
Come check out my Product Design portfolfio.
Japan Travel Guide
Interested in visiting Japan? I've put together a guide based on my experiences living there.